
Last updated: April 26, 2021

We know that circumstances are fluid and we are committed to a transparent and honest process. That’s why we have implemented two key policies this year for our tickets. Should Swollfest cancel due to a change in Louisiana’s phase status, all tickets will be refunded.

After a year’s break, we’re absolutely thrilled to bring our fans, teams and volunteers together again to raise money for an incredible cause.

Safety is our number one priority, so we’ve been reeling in a plan that follows best practices from public health officials, local regulations, and event safety professionals. Please follow our guidelines when you are at Swollfest this year.

keep your hands clean

Wash your hands with soap and water when using the restroom. Use our hand sanitizer stations located throughout the event frequently.

face covering

We ask you to follow state and local guidance regarding face masks. Currently, face masks are required unless consuming food or beverage.

social distancing

When possible, keep at least 6 feet of distance between your group and others.

Finally, we strongly recommend our guests read and follow the latest recommendations from the CDC on the prevention of COVID-19.

precautionary measures

  • Our site has moved back to Grand Isle Marina (formerly Sand Dollar Marina).

  • Our capacity will be limited to follow the recommended guidelines.

  • All guests will be expected to follow our latest policies.

  • Common ‘close quarter’ gathering areas, such as VIP sections, have been removed or rebuilt to allow for proper distancing.

  • Additional restrooms and hand washing stations will be available throughout the event.

  • Additional hand sanitizing stations will be distributed around the Marina and Swollfest activities.

  • Swollfest is an outdoor event whose environmental conditions help mitigate potential transmission through degradation and dispersion (e.g., sunlight, wind, air circulation, temperature, humidity)

  • We are adding signage across the tournament to reinforce our policy.